Products Archives - UnTapped

holiday gift guide

Ted King’s UnTapped Holiday Gift Guide 2024!

Happy holidays from Vermont! After a mild fall with lots of outdoor riding through Thanksgiving, just like clockwork on that fourth Thursday in November, it started snowing and has looked like a cold and festive New England winter ever since! Whether you live here, in another chilly climate, or maybe have warm weather year-round, the

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Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup Recipes

We know, we know, the Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup is so good we just want to slurp it up straight from the packet.  But if you can contain yourself to not immediately consume all of it, or hide it behind the old cereal boxes in the back of your pantry from your loved ones,

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In the creation of Mapleaid, we sought the simplest solution to the conundrum of drink mix. In Ginger Mapleaid, we have just three ingredients: organic maple sugar, ginger, and sea salt. In Lemon Tea Mapleaid, there are only four: organic maple sugar, lemons, black tea, and sea salt.

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What’s in a Waffle

We live by an expression at UnTapped that goes back to our roots. It reads, UnTapped: Keeping it real since 2013. From our beginning, we’ve been all about real foods. In 2013 we launched the original Maple UnTapped as the single ingredient answer to the goopy energy gels that are loaded with bulk carbohydrates, mineral supplements, and natural flavors. Maple

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Mapleaid: Past, Present, and Future

Mapleaid: Past, Present, and Future

The Past The roots of Mapleaid go back to the elixirs consumed in the maple sugar woods and hay fields on hot days – drinks that have hydrated Vermont farmers for generations. A splash of maple syrup. A pinch of salt. Juiced ginger. Squeezed lemon. Fresh brewed tea. From the moment UnTapped brought maple to athletes these

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Fueling With UnTapped

Fueling With UnTapped

There are a number of variables that can steer optimal performance from the perspective of nutritional and UnTapped has you covered. Our ingredient list relies on simplicity to deliver the very best final product — the best tasting, the best digesting, and the best performing. Similarly, we offer this simple fueling guide to steer your

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untapped next to coffee

Using Maple Syrup in Coffee

When creating our first caffeinated energy product, we looked for the simplest solution. We added real coffee to maple syrup producing Coffee UnTapped. A two ingredient, real-food solution; that’s it. The coffee adds 27mg of real caffeine and the maple syrup delivers 100 calories of carbohydrates to get you going, but because it’s low glycemic is

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How to Make Maple Syrup

We spend a lot of time talking about simple ingredients and all natural energy. Simple, natural products taste great, are high-performance nutrition, are easy to digest, all the while being a bit more environmentally friendly to boot. Nothing underscores that like the cornerstone of our products, pure maple syrup. Due to the efforts of “big corn

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Cyclist using UnTapped

Back to Basics

Amid a global pandemic it’s easy be paralyzed by the what-ifs. There are so many questions that it’s hard to move forward. The same can be said about making decisions in the myriad of sports nutrition options. Now, perhaps, more than ever is a time to take a deep breath. It’s a time to look at

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Keeping It Real

We live in a hurried age. Working excessively long hours is lauded by contemporary society as a way to get ahead. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with hard work, it can lead to cutting corners as a means to an end. We at UnTapped believe in the means themselves.  Artificial and “natural flavors” represent a

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