Using Maple Syrup in Coffee

untapped next to coffee

When creating our first caffeinated energy product, we looked for the simplest solution. We added real coffee to maple syrup producing Coffee UnTapped. A two ingredient, real-food solution; that’s it. The coffee adds 27mg of real caffeine and the maple syrup delivers 100 calories of carbohydrates to get you going, but because it’s low glycemic is still there for you in over the long haul. Simple, convenient, delicious.

We’ve explored different ways to enjoy your Coffee UnTapped. You may remember that Dalgona coffee made the rounds earlier this year as a popular take on iced coffee. There’s a lot that goes into making Dalgona, so we helped cut the time down by simply using Coffee UnTapped as the foundation of this artsy beverage — here’s our UnTapped Dalgona Coffee.

When you visit a coffee shop, restaurant, or diner and order a coffee you’ll of course be asked “cream and sugar?” Here at UnTapped HQ, and frankly all across Vermont, you’ll commonly see maple syrup go into one’s coffee instead of sugar. White table sugar offers sweetness without any meaningful nutritional value nor taste. Meanwhile, the process by which maple syrup is made involves the caramelization of sugars which produces its distinct, wholesome taste. Additionally, there are electrolytes, amino acids, and antioxidants in maple syrup that provide meaningful nutritional boost to the start of your day. Easiest yet, maple syrup is water soluble so a quick swirl of your mug and it’s all combined, instead of gritty mash of sugar at the bottom of your mug. The water solubility is what makes UnTapped so easy on your digestive tract too when exercising. 

Recipe of the Day:



Add 1/2 to 1 Maple UnTapped to your cup of coffee. Swirl your mug once. Sip and enjoy. (Cream optional.)