Birkie Training In My 5-9

Birkie Training

By Emma Rothe – Director of Food Safety, Quality, & Innovation and endurance sport enthusiast!

Getting Creative With Training After My 9-5

Training for any endurance activity is not easy, especially if you have a schedule that limits the amount of time you have to get out there. This winter I’ve learned that making time to train for the Birkie doesn’t have to be an overwhelming feat that leaves me stressed out, missing sleep, or running low on energy. 

For me, the past 6 months have been jam-packed. I graduated from college, moved to Vermont, and joined the team at UnTapped (yay!), all while recovering from a surgery that repaired a labral tear in my hip. However, skiing the Birkie has been a goal of mine for a long time, and I knew I wanted to make it happen in whatever way I could!

Making Time

Coming off of college athletics & surgery has put me in a unique training space both mentally and physically. It’s been a blast to return to cross-country skiing, a sport I haven’t competed in since high school, but also a challenge to get back into training after a summer & fall of healing. I’ve had to take a more flexible approach to training recently, prioritizing listening to my body while still finding ways to push myself.

My goals this training cycle have revolved mostly around building a strong fitness base, keeping my schedule flexible, and having fun!

Finding enough hours in the day to get in quality sessions to train for the Birkie can be difficult (especially if you aren’t a morning person, like me). For me, this means making the most out of my time after work, even if it’s without daylight! The reality is that it’s important to create a schedule that is a realistic one, and to remember that it’s ok to adjust when real life (especially the winter weather of recent years) has other plans.

Making Time for Training for the Birkie

Below is a rough outline of my weekly schedule as I train for the Birkie:

Monday: Rest day. Sometimes this involves a quick yoga flow, sometimes this involves rolling out sore muscles and putting my feet up on the couch.

Tuesday-Friday: Varies week to week based on weather, energy, and other life constraints:

1-2x headlamp xc ski (60 min)- Getting out to ski after work can be difficult (headlamps are essential), but one of my training goals is to prioritize time on snow as much as possible. 

1-2x downhill night skiing (1-2 hrs)- A great combo of time on snow (in a different format) and strength & balance training.

1-2x strength training (45-60 min)- My strength training involves plenty of hip stability (yay PT!) and also lots of ski-focused arm, leg, & core work. It’s been important for me to build a strong base to keep injuries at bay.

1-2x walk, run, indoor bike, etc. (30-60 min)– I do my best to prioritize movement in a way that is compatible with both how my body is feeling and the weather conditions of the day. This could look like opting for a walk if my hip is feeling sore, or a run if the weather is nice.

Saturday: Getting active outside with friends! My priority on Saturdays is to spend as much time outside as possible, whether this is a day of downhill skiing, a longer xc ski, or a hike. For me, spending time with my friends strengthens my motivation and reminds me why I love endurance sports.

Sunday: Long xc ski day (1-3 hours). This is my day to really lock in and work on building my endurance base. 

I’m also aiming to get at least one longer race-type effort under my belt before the Birkie, to work on building that endurance base even more.

Fueling With UnTapped

There’s nothing like fueling your body with simple & natural ingredients that leave your stomach (and taste buds) feeling happy. It’s also important to train with the fuel you will be using on race day! As the official fuel and hydration of the Birkie, UnTapped has been absolutely essential to my training.

Train for the Birkie

Since I’m not typically working out right after a meal, I find that a little pre-workout snack is crucial for having a meaningful and enjoyable workout effort. This means I’m grabbing an UnTapped Waffle before I jump in the car (Chai Waffles are my favorite), since they’re super easy to eat on-the-go and fuel me up perfectly.

For longer workout efforts, like my Sunday ski days, staying hydrated & fueled throughout can make or break the experience. When I know I’m going to be out and about for a bit, I’m sure to bring a bottle of Lemon Tea Mapleaid in my backpack or water belt, for electrolyte replenishment & a little caffeine boost when needed. In addition, I’ll pack an UnTapped packet for every hour or so I plan to be out there, so my energy isn’t draining mid-trail. I’m personally a Salted Citrus girl, but the UnTapped line is so easy to customize to fit your individual training needs. Regardless of how you choose to fuel with UnTapped, having some mid-workout fuel for your longer days is important to keep your body moving and stomach happy!

Having Fun with It

There really is no one right way to train, but what has always been successful for me in the past is keeping things fun. Recently I’ve leaned into this mentality more and more, because at the end of the day, it’s what gets me out the door most days. Training is much more fun when you structure in a way that makes sense for you.

Happy training & fueling!