Roger Brown, co-founder of UnTapped, father, former elite skier and current elite business operations guy, has a wild schedule. The father of four makes time out of thin air and serves his family and UnTapped customers with aplomb. We asked him to share his regular schedule, to inspire your schedule for Father’s Day. Here’s how Roger’s Day breaks down.
6:00 AM Wake up, look at used conveyors on eBay.
6:45 AM Baby wakes up. 8 year old reading in bed. Coffee for Roger, milk for baby.
7:00 AM Pancakes. Chase 8 year old out of bed. 6 year old twins still in bed.
7:30 AM Mow lawn that is looking haggard for 30 minutes with baby and one 6 year old on lap on tractor.
8:00 AM Pack one 6 year old and 8 year old for school day at work and ready for 3:30 baseball game scheduled for 8 year old.
8:40 AM Leave for work (significant because it means that 6 year old’s 9 am morning meeting needs to be in the car instead of at work).
9:00 AM 6 year old starts morning meeting in car, arrive at work at 9:05, get kids set up outside, drop truck off for tire change.
9:30 AM Respond to conveyor belt quote.

10:00 AM Talk to AG regarding marketing.
10:15 AM Time on the packing machine packing out UnTapped product.
11:30 AM Check in on kids/grandmother.
12:00 PM Speak to UPS rep about international shipping.
12:15 PM Try new products.
12:30 PM Back to the packaging line.
1:00 PM Online instagram art class for 6 year old.
3:15 PM Leave for baseball field. Phone call with FedEx about international shipping.
4:30 PM Head to river with other 6 year old.

5:00 PM Go home, start dinner.
6:15 PM Baby bedtime/bath/hairwashing torture session.
7:00 PM Play catch in the yard.
8:00 PM Other kids bedtime.
8:15 PM 30 minute run.
9:00 PM Refresh eBay conveyor search.
9:30 PM Lights out.