The rumors are true. I was a vegan chef and for a time, a pastry chef at a fun restaurant in Salt Lake City” explains Utah resident Trevor Fuchs. The perpetually upbeat Fuchs isn’t just accomplished in the kitchen, but also chalks up the wins in ultra marathons. Most notably in what is an very atypical 2020, Fuchs took first place at the season kickoff HURT100 this January in Hawaii.
We chatted with Trevor about how he’s been since January and how he’s adjusting to contemporary times. We knew the conversation was off to the right foot when he started with, “I actually bake with maple syrup almost exclusively and always have.”
Trevor worked up a recipe for a bakeless, vegan chai cheesecake that we can attest is exquisite. Asked how he formulates his recipes, he explains, “I’m far from a purist. I rarely write down recipes and mostly just use ‘formulas’ that can be adapted for whatever flavor you’re looking for.” Chai and maple, that’s a flavor profile we appreciate.
All the more impressive, Trevor developed a stress fracture in his tibia slightly before the HURT100. After the victory in Hawaii he took to the bike to help recuperate for ten weeks. Inspired and motivated he says, “The trails behind my house are still open and I’m starting to run again, so now I am rebuilding. Both of my main races for the year are still on for the moment — UTMB in late summer in Europe and the Hardrock 100 mid-summer in Colorado — so I’ll be jumping in to a big training block as soon as my body is fully ready. Hoping they don’t get cancelled… but am not really holding my breath.”
Curious what he’s up to now, Trevor works in the sign and graphics industry which is deemed essential business, so he’s as busy as ever. Making the most of the situation with the downtime in training as he’s recuperated, he’s tapped into his music background. “I’ve picked up the ukulele that I won at HURT and learning to play. I’ve also played the drums since I was a kid, but sold all my gear when I started having kids, but they are older now, so I invested in a new kit to start playing again. I’ll hopefully be getting a little band together in the next few weeks.”
Getting the band back together is something we all aspire towards right now. Thanks for the time Trevor. Be safe, enjoy the tunes, and to all our readers may we recommend a slice of that vegan chai cheesecake.