Update About Maple Waffles Sold Between 6/28/2024 – 10/08/2024
It has recently come to our attention that a batch of our Maple Waffles were made with inferior ingredients and contained brown rice syrup instead of maple syrup. We have taken immediate steps in our processes to ensure that this does not happen again. While these waffles are still safe to eat they do not reflect the quality standards that we hold ourselves to.
We identified and reached out to individual and wholesale customers who purchased these waffles and they are being removed from retailers shelves and replaced for individual customers.
Our mission at UnTapped is, and has always been, to produce the highest quality athletic fuel made with pure maple syrup and maple sugar.
The affected waffles were only the Maple variety with a best by date of December 26, 2025. If you think you may have purchased any of these waffles, please fill out this simple form and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Doug Brown
CEO, UnTapped