
Warm-Up with Mapleaid

Stay cozy (and hydrated!) this winter with a warm mug of mapleaid. Or spruce it up with Lentine’s recipe for a Space Heater!

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The UnTapped


The Untapped Story

About UnTapped

From our humble beginnings offering portably packaged maple syrup in 2015, we have grown to be your one-stop-shop for maple athletic nutrition while sticking to our roots. Take a few minutes to watch our progression or click to learn more.

The Benefits of Fueling with Maple Syrup

Low Glycemic
Containing all natural carbohydrates, maple syrup provides prolonged, sustained energy rather than offering a quick burst and subsequent crash. It offers a quick pick-me-up in the short term, but is there for you in the long run as well.

50 Antioxidants
When your body is working hard, or even just undergoing daily stress, you produce free radicals that have an inflammatory or damaging effect. This array of polyphenols found in maple syrup have powerful free radical-fighting properties. Foods with similar qualities include berries, green tea, red wine, and flaxseeds.

Amino Acids
When you’re training and racing hard, your muscles get beat up. Amino acids help repair that damage and prevent muscle deterioration, ultimately making you stronger.

Water Soluble
Easy to digest and quick to absorb. Perhaps best yet, say goodbye to gut-rot which is a common complaint of athletes after consuming typical energy gels, as they are loaded with synthetic flavors and supplements. Plus maple syrup is a cinch to clean up; just rinse with water. Alternative sports gels are like tar to clean up.

UnTapped Pure Vermont Maple Syrup product

Our Favorites

I love how the UnTapped products keep my energy consistent through long efforts versus the rollercoaster I’ve experienced with other energy products.  

Kikkan Randall
Olympic Gold Medalist — Nordic Skiing — Alaska

